Wednesday 6 June 2012

Drained. (This is a whinge)

I am so drained physically and emotionally. The morning sickness is taking everything out of me, I didn't have much energy or good health to begin with but everything I had left is being drained out of me. I'm hoping I will start to feel a bit brighter soon, because I just don't think I can cope with this for the whole pregnancy! I want to feel excited and well, so I can enjoy it! 

When I speak to people about it, they are just like "oh it's just morning sickness, you'll be fine" and yes I will be fine but it is still hard, it's hard retching and vomiting every day and feeling nausea all day, it's hard not being able to hardly lift my head out of bed, and on top of that I was sick before I was pregnant, so my body isn't in optimum condition for pregnancy! So I shall whinge, and just because I whinge it doesn't mean I don't know how blessed I am to be pregnant, because dude I know how unbelievably blessed I am, but it doesn't mean I am not allowed to whine. (Okay DAD!) haha.

I am 14 weeks tomorrow, so I hope that will be the start of a turning point for me!

Monday 4 June 2012

Week 13

Afternoon Dudes!

I went and saw the Ob yesterday and my cervix is measuring the same as it was last week (Around 2.8cm) We saw our little bubba and he was all good too :D We discussed what to do and came to the conclusion that we would take the conservative approach, wait and see and take it easy! If my cervix is shorter at my 19 week scan then he will do an emergency stitch (they prefer to do them earlier as it is a lot easier but since I went to 34 weeks last time and I wasn't even in labour then he's a bit more confident) But he has done thousands of them and said he hasn't had many complications arise from the later stitches he has done. It may be that my cervix is genetically short too, but for now it's stable so I just have to cross everything!

The other things I am doing to help this pregnancy is to take low - dose aspirin (sometimes called baby aspirin) it has been found to help reduce the risk of premature labour and to help IUGR babies (In uterine growth restricted - which Emily was). The aspirin improves blood flow to the Placenta etc. I am also going to start taking a Vit D supplement!

General Update-

I'm feeling - Crap! Morning sickness is so jerky, I eat - I feel sick. I don't eat - I feel sick. I eat too little - I feel sick. I eat too much - I feel sick, I just generally feel sick! And I'm dizzy a lot of the time and just really off balanced but that could be because of my problems previous to this pregnancy too, but it's probably made worse by being pregeroni!

Weight - I haven't put on any weight yet, I've actually lost weight :( 

Am I glowing? - No, on the contrary I look terrible!

Emily - She's doing so great, I haven't been able to look after her much at all, I am so lucky to have great Parents in Law that do such a fantastic job of taking care of her for us, we are so thankful to them! But she's been great, she understands more then I know and asked me the other day "if the baby in my tummy scares me?" She is so wise for her age and has such a caring nature, when I am feeling unwell, she sings me songs that she makes up that are freaking hilarious and gives me big cuddles and kisses and is just plain amazing!

Kev - He is the dude. He works full time, looks after Em and myself and cooks, cleans (well tries haha) and is so loving and caring! Best. Husband. Ever.

Anywho I that's about it for now, I shall sign off and talk to you all later 
